Euro Tutor - Home Tuition Admission Form

Basic Information
Tuition Requirement

Student ID :

There are five types of forms, studentform1 [admission form for home tuition] , studentform2 [admission form for online class] and teacherinquiry [teacher application form-1 ]. For internal use, there are three forms - demoform, demoresult and CommunicationForm This form is studentform1. Accordingly the url is also or
What kind of tuition do you need? If you are fine either with home tuition or online tuition, please select "Home Tuition or Online Tuition"
Click the dropdown and select your tuition package.
Based on the previous field (TuitionPackage) , this field automatically gets calculated. This is non editable field and you need not do anything here. If this field appears blank, please choose the first option in the previous field i.e "Please select tuition package" and then again select the relevant Tuition Package..
Please enter a valid phone number by choosing your country flag. In case of India, please select India's flag and enter your mobile number. This should be the main number where we can contact for tuition coordination.
Please enter here alternate phone number.
Please mention here the student's father's name.
Please mention here the student's mother's name.
Please mention here the address of the location where tuition is required. If possible, kindly give the tuition address according to the google map of your area so that we can find a competent tutor very close to your home.
6 digit pin code with no space. Example 560078
Please mention here the link of google map of your residence or any nearby landmark.This will help us to identify and depute our teachers who reside close to your house. This should be in format
Please share google map link of your residence or nearby landmark
Do you have metro train station near your home? If yes, please mention the nearest metro station and how far it is from your home? If you are not aware of this, you can leave this field blank.
Please mention here the admission fee paid for the tuition. If you belong to online class or group coaching, you can just mention "Not Applicable".
Please mention here in which mode was the admission fee was paid. Was it online, via cheque, UPI etc.
As per the discussion with your admission consultant, please mention here what was the agreed tutor fee. Please note, admission fee is what you have paid already. Tutor fee is what is paid at the end of each tutoring month. Eg. Rs 15000 / Month or Rs 800 / Hour
As per your discussion with admission counsellor , please mention the agreed tutor fee here.

Please ensure to fill all the required fields. Form will not proceed to next page if all the required fields in the form have not been filled. If you are facing issue, kindly see the error  message.

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